Top 5 Strategies on ‘How to Start a Podcast with No Audience’

How to Start a Podcast with No Audience


Podcasting is a great way to share your passion, knowledge, and expertise with the world. But how do you start a podcast when you have no audience? How do you attract and retain listeners who will love your content and support your podcast?

In this blog post, we will share some tips and strategies on how to start a podcast with no audience, based on some of the best practices and resources available online. By following these steps, you will be able to create a podcast that stands out from the crowd, connects with your target listener, and grows your audience over time.

Choose a niche

1. Choose a clear niche

The first step to start a podcast with no audience is to choose a clear niche for your podcast. A niche is a specific topic or area of interest that you focus on in your podcast. For example, your niche could be gardening, fitness, travel, or anything else that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about.

Choosing a clear niche is important because it helps you define your podcast’s purpose, value proposition, and target audience. It also helps you differentiate your podcast from other podcasts in your field and avoid competing with them for the same listeners.

To choose a clear niche, you need to consider the following questions:

  • What are you passionate and knowledgeable about?
  • What problems or challenges do you want to solve for your listeners?
  • What value or benefit do you want to provide for your listeners?
  • Who are your ideal listeners and what are their demographics, interests, and pain points?
  • How can you make your podcast unique and different from other podcasts in your niche?

By answering these questions, you will be able to narrow down your niche and create a podcast that appeals to a specific audience.

2. Identify your target listener

The next step to start a podcast with no audience is to identify your target listener. Your target listener is the ideal person who would listen to and enjoy your podcast. Knowing your target listener is crucial because it helps you create content that resonates with them and solves their problems.

To identify your target listener, you need to do some research and analysis. You can use the following methods to gather information about your target listener:

  • Survey your existing audience, if you have any, such as your blog readers, email subscribers, social media followers, or customers. Ask them about their demographics, interests, pain points, and preferences regarding podcasts.
  • Use online tools, such as Google Trends, Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or BuzzSumo, to find out what topics, keywords, and content are popular and relevant to your niche and audience.
  • Listen to other podcasts in your niche and read their reviews, comments, and feedback. Pay attention to what their listeners like and dislike about their podcasts, and what suggestions they have for improvement.
  • Create a listener persona, which is a fictional representation of your target listener, based on the data and insights you collected. Give your persona a name, age, gender, location, occupation, hobbies, goals, challenges, and motivations. This will help you visualize and empathize with your target listener.

By identifying your target listener, you will be able to tailor your podcast to their needs and wants, and build a loyal and engaged audience.

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3. Create a strong brand identity

The third step to start a podcast with no audience is to create a strong brand identity for your podcast. A brand identity is the visual and verbal elements that represent your podcast, such as your title, logo, color scheme, tone, and voice. A strong brand identity is essential because it helps you establish your podcast’s identity, personality, and credibility. It also helps you attract and retain listeners who will recognize and remember your podcast.

brand identity

To create a strong brand identity, you need to consider the following elements:

  • Title: Your title should be catchy, memorable, and descriptive of your podcast’s niche and value. Use keywords from your topic in your title to help your podcast rank higher in search results and directories. Avoid using generic or vague titles that could confuse or mislead your listeners.
  • Logo: Your logo should be simple, clear, and appealing. It should reflect your podcast’s niche and tone, and match your color scheme. Use a professional design tool, such as Canva, to create your logo, or hire a designer if you can afford it.
  • Color scheme: Your color scheme should be consistent, harmonious, and attractive. It should convey your podcast’s mood and emotion, and evoke a positive response from your listeners. Use a color palette generator, such as Coolors, to choose your color scheme, or follow the best practices for color psychology.
  • Tone and voice: Your tone and voice should be consistent, authentic, and engaging. They should match your podcast’s niche and audience, and express your podcast’s personality and values. Use a tone and voice guide, such as this one, to define your tone and voice, or follow the best practices for podcasting.

By creating a strong brand identity, you will be able to make your podcast stand out from the crowd, and create a lasting impression on your listeners.

4. Plan and optimize your episodes

Plan and optimize

The fourth step to start a podcast with no audience is to plan and optimize your episodes. Your episodes are the core of your podcast, and they need to be well-planned and well-produced to deliver high-quality content and value to your listeners. Planning and optimizing your episodes involves the following steps:

  • Outline your episodes: Before you record your episodes, you need to outline them to ensure that they have a clear structure, flow, and message. Your outline should include the following elements: an introduction, where you introduce yourself, your podcast, and your episode topic; a main body, where you deliver your content and value; and a conclusion, where you summarize your key points, provide a call to action, and thank your listeners. You can use a template, such as this one, to outline your episodes, or create your own.
  • Record your episodes: When you record your episodes, you need to use a good microphone, a quiet and comfortable environment, and a recording software, such as Audacity, to capture your audio. You also need to speak clearly, confidently, and enthusiastically, and avoid filler words, such as “um”, “uh”, and “like”. You can use a script, such as this one, to guide your recording, or improvise if you prefer.
  • Edit your episodes: After you record your episodes, you need to edit them to improve their clarity and quality. You need to remove any background noise, silence, or mistakes, and adjust the volume, speed, and tone of your audio. You can use a software, such as Audacity, to edit your episodes, or outsource it to a professional editor if you can afford it.
  • Publish your episodes: Once you edit your episodes, you need to publish them to make them available to your listeners. You need to upload your episodes to a podcast hosting platform, such as Anchor, which will store and distribute your episodes to various podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. You also need to write a compelling episode description, using keywords from your topic, to help your listeners find and understand your episodes.

By planning and optimizing your episodes, you will be able to create a podcast that delivers high-quality content and value to your listeners, and keeps them coming back for more.

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5. Market your podcast on social media

The fifth and final step to start a podcast with no audience is to market your podcast on social media. Social media is a powerful tool to promote your podcast, grow your audience, and engage with your listeners. You can use the following strategies to market your podcast on social media:

  • Create social media pages for your podcast: You need to create social media pages for your podcast on platforms where your target listener is active, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. You need to use your podcast’s title, logo, and color scheme to brand your pages, and write a captivating bio that describes your podcast’s niche and value. You also need to link your podcast’s website and hosting platform to your pages, to direct your followers to your podcast.
  • Share your episodes regularly: You need to share your episodes regularly on your social media pages, preferably on the same day and time that you publish them, to create a consistent schedule and expectation for your followers. You need to use eye-catching images, catchy headlines, and engaging captions to entice your followers to listen to your episodes. You can also use hashtags, tags, and mentions to increase your reach and visibility.
  • Engage with your listeners: You need to engage with your listeners on your social media pages, by asking and answering questions, posting polls, and commenting on their posts. You need to show your appreciation, gratitude, and interest in your listeners, and encourage them to share their feedback, opinions, and suggestions for your podcast. You can also create a community, such as a Facebook group, where you can interact with your listeners more closely and personally.
  • Collaborate with other podcasters or influencers: You need to collaborate with other podcasters or influencers in your niche, who have a similar or larger audience than you, to cross-promote your podcast. You can do this by guesting on their podcasts, inviting them to guest on your podcast, or co-hosting a live event, such as a webinar, workshop, or Q&A session. You can also exchange shout-outs, reviews, or recommendations for each other’s podcasts.

By marketing your podcast on social media, you will be able to increase your exposure, reach, and credibility, and attract and retain more listeners for your podcast.


In summary, starting a podcast without an audience requires a strategic approach. Begin by choosing a distinct niche that aligns with your passion and audience needs. Identify your target listener through thorough research, ensuring your content resonates effectively. Establishing a strong brand identity, including a memorable title and consistent tone, enhances recognition and trust. Prioritize quality by planning and optimizing each episode meticulously. Finally, harness social media marketing to expand your reach, engage with listeners, and foster community growth, ultimately paving the way for a successful podcast journey.


Q1: Why is choosing a clear niche important when starting a podcast with no audience?

Selecting a clear niche is crucial as it defines your podcast’s purpose, target audience, and differentiation from others. It helps attract a specific audience interested in your content, reducing competition and increasing the likelihood of building a dedicated following over time.

How do I identify my target listener for a podcast with no audience?

Research your potential audience through surveys, online tools, and analyzing competitors. Create a listener persona, a fictional representation based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Understanding your target listener helps tailor your content to meet their needs and preferences.

Why is creating a strong brand identity essential for a podcast with no audience?

A strong brand identity, including a catchy title, appealing logo, consistent color scheme, and a defined tone, helps establish your podcast’s identity, credibility, and recognition. It makes your podcast memorable, attracting and retaining listeners even when starting with no audience.

How can I plan and optimize episodes for a podcast with no audience?

Outline episodes with clear structure and content flow. Use a good microphone, a quiet environment, and recording software for quality audio. Edit episodes for clarity and remove mistakes. Publish episodes through a podcast hosting platform like Anchor, ensuring a compelling episode description with relevant keywords.

What strategies can I use to market my podcast on social media with no existing audience?

Create dedicated social media pages for your podcast on platforms where your audience is active. Regularly share engaging episode content with eye-catching visuals. Engage with your audience through questions, polls, and comments. Collaborate with other podcasters or influencers in your niche for cross-promotion.

How long does it take to build an audience for a podcast starting with no listeners?

Building a podcast audience takes time and persistence. Success stories often involve gradual growth over months or years. Patience is key, and consistently delivering quality content, engaging with the audience, and using effective marketing strategies contribute to audience growth over time.

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3 thoughts on “Top 5 Strategies on ‘How to Start a Podcast with No Audience’”

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.


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